Saturday, May 14, 2016

Band Recital -13/5/16

Hey guys! ♥ How was your day?

I actually am going to be blogging about what happened yesterday cuz it's much more interesting than what happened today. XD lolz.

Kay, so yesterday was the district contest for band. For those who didn't know, yes I'm a band geek- I play flute!

And tbh I thought my band was going to crash and burn cuz we're over 90 kids. But, WE GOT A ONE! OMG. YASSSSSS.

I was so happy! The contest is judged by 5 dudes who are major in music and they give you a rating from 1-5. 1 being the best, 5 meaning - y'all suck and should probably not be a band anymore. BUT, WE GOT A ONE! *does cartwheel and falls on face*

I mean, I'm only this excited cuz that was my last contest. :( I'm going to quit band in high school to focus on advanced courses, French, art, and tennis so-- I'm so sad it was my last contest!

Band was a lot of fun- I met so many amazing kids through band and we're honestly one big family. But, I am glad it's ending on a high note. (no pun intended :p)

I also briefly saw a few of my friends from my previous school! My current school and previous school are obvi in the same city so we'll be attending high school together!

My friend Khoi waved so- Hey Khoi! And my mom said Tayt said hi too! whom I may or may not like.

I also have my last concert this week so hope that goes well too!

Plus, something a bit odd happened too.

There's this guy, let's call him cucumber for now. He said "Hi Natasha (English name)" during warmups. Which, NEVER happens. Since, cucumber is quite popular at school. So, when I was about to leave, I saw him walking in the opposite direction, so I waved and gave him a nice smile. And he waved back with his drumsticks. I'll let you guys decide what this means. :)

insta: naeun_l
twitter: xoxo_naeun
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