Friday, September 23, 2016

The Homecoming Struggle:

Ello ello everyone! :) Hope all has been well!

Okay, I legit have no time to myself anymore, I'm like so shook rn. Student Elections were today and I ran for treasurer. I'm suuupppper nervous on the outcome. But that isn't the point, I'm just beating around the bush....

H O M E C O M I N G.....

it's right around the corner.

My gosh... homecoming is probably the most hyped up thing during the entire freshmen year. People start posting proposal pics on Instagram, they start dress shopping, and WILL NOT STOP TALKING ABOUT HC ALL SEMESTER.

Image result for relatable posts homecoming
I have homecoming on October 18th but, I have no idea who I'm going with. I have quite a few guy friends so I hope one of them asks me. But, from upperclassmen I heard homecoming can get quite inappropriate. That's just all I needed to hear to make me have second thoughts. But you know what? I'm one of those girls who actually has the balls to ask a guy to homecoming. I just don't know what I'm going to do for my proposal- nor whom I'm going to ask. So, I got lots of debating to do. Plus, the dress, the shoes, the makeup... Oh my! But, I legit might wear sweatpants with converse. XD

Image result for relatable posts homecoming

Sunday, September 4, 2016

My First High School Football Game!

Hey everyone! Long time, no blog! Super sorry about that!

Anyways, last night (9.2.16) was my First High School Football Game! (As a high school student at least!) I went to one last year in 8th grade for band night and it wasn't very fun.. But, last night was tons of fun!

Okay, so the original plan was that I was to meet up with friends from tennis. But, one of my tennis friends had to babysit her 7th grade cousin. And was mainly prioritized on her so, I kinda felt a bit left out. Then, somehow we kinda got separated.... #awkward. But, luckily I took the risk and went to the student bleachers section and found my long-time bff Calli there! She was hanging out with some of her friends (some I knew) and we all hung out together!

It wasn't as bad as I thought. There wasn't anything inappropriate happening at the student section- other than a few kids throwing their drinks around. :/ But other than that it was tons of fun!

We sat at the very top- cuz seniors get first row, then juniors, then sophmores, and the freshmen have to sit at the top. #reality And it was sooooo cold! Luckily my friends did their best to keep me warm. :) We basically talked a lot and I even met a few new people! :) Plus, we won!!! 14-0 :)

So yeah, not a very interesting post but honestly my life rn has been so stressful that night was just a great stress reliever, hanging out with friends, and cheering on my school! I was just so happy. :) I hope you guys are happy rn as well! And I hope I'll have a better blog post in store for you guys soon. Love you so much and I hope you have an awesome week! :)
